Nicaragua, located in Central America, has a tropical climate and rainforests but is frequently hit by hurricanes. It also has suffered from earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, and landslides. Spanish colonists arrived in Nicaragua in the 16th century, conquering the indigenous cultures who had lived there since ancient times, and it became an independent republic in 1838. Since its independence, Nicaragua has had periods of political unrest, rule by military dictatorships, and violent conflicts. This includes the Nicaraguan Revolution that began in 1979, and the Contra War, from 1981-1990. Human rights violations occurred during the war, and much of the country’s infrastructure was destroyed. Nicaragua is currently one of the poorest countries in the Americas. 

The Children of Promise Program in Nicaragua, called Niños de Promesa, began in 2004. The ministry serves children in Jinotepe. The children in the community live in small, one- or two-room homes that often do not have running water, and some homes do not have electricity. Niños de Promesa co-directors Lesly and Maria Herrera, the program committee, and the Church of God in Jinotepe help sponsored children receive food, education, and health care. They also make sure the children are discipled and experience the love of Jesus in the community of the church. All the children in the Niños de Promesa program are actively involved in their local church, and often help lead services or prepare special music.

Your sponsorship helps bring nutrition, education, health care, discipleship, and wholeness to a child in Nicaragua.


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Age: 11

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Age: 13

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Days Waiting: 10

Age: 13

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