1. Help Children of Promise continue to say YES to growth! We have been invited into 8 new countries since 202...
TAKE A STEP (or 300k) The 300,000 step challenge is coming back this November! Make plans now to join us in wal...
*100% of gifts to the Emergency Fund are used to respond to emergency needs that affect CofP kids around the wor...
Aha! I got your attention (or at least the pictures did).I am not traveling to Tanzania just because this is a ...
Please Help Support My Mission Trip to the Philippines!I am excited to share an incredible opportunity I have to...
Please help us raise the $7000 needed so that we may travel to the Philippines with Children of Promise!God Bles...
Help me raise $7,000 for our trip to The Philippines with Children of Promise! My daughter Madelyn and I want to...
Take the Rice and Beans Challenge! All around the world, Children of Promise families depend on rice a beans fo...
You can stand in the sponsorship gap for a child awaiting a connection with a new sponsor. Once sponsored, a chi...
THIS MAY, YOU CAN TRIPLE YOUR IMPACT When you initiate a recurring monthly donation* of $7 to Children of Promi...