Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa that gained its independence from Great Britain in 1964.  Zambia has a tropical climate with a rainy season from October to April. During the rainy season, Zambia has tropical storms but can experience periodic droughts during the rest of the year. Zambia’s economic growth hasn’t been sufficient over the years to significantly reduce poverty. Unemployment is high, and a majority of the people live below the poverty line. The Church of God in Zambia was established in 1986 and today includes about 400 churches across the country. The Church of God in Zambia reaches people in rural areas, and all of the regions of the country are represented in the leadership of the church.

The Children of Promise sponsorship ministry in Zambia began in 2006 in the city of Lusaka. In 2010 the ministry expanded to a second site in Petauke. When the ministry began, none of the sponsored children had ever been able to attend school. Now all sponsored children receive the food, clothing and health care they need, and they have access to education. Children of Promise Director, Rev. Mailes Ndao, works with committees in Church of God churches in Zambia to make sure the children not only have their basic needs met, but also can learn about Jesus and be discipled in the loving communities of their local churches.

Your sponsorship helps bring nutrition, education, health care, discipleship, and wholeness to a child in Zambia.  

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